The Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust Planetarium at Seminole State College will welcome back space enthusiasts this Friday, according to an announcement from Monday.
Read moreWith just 22 active COVID-19 cases at Seminole County Public Schools on Tuesday, the district will not extend its Student Face Covering with parental opt-out and the Campus Visitor Suspension procedures, both of which were enacted for the start of
Read moreMultiple choice questions
1. Karl Marx did which of the following?
a. Let his bride's mother pay for the honeymoon
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Princess Pringle #448846 is one of our newer residents. She was surrendered by her owner due to a move. She is good with other cats but has never lived with dogs. She would be an amazing cat and will never say no to getting all of your attention.
Read moreBy Eric Hutter, Financial Columnist
“Many retirees have discovered that downsizing is an expensive decision. Sometimes it makes sense to leave things alone.” Eric Hutter
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