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Edna Southward

Edna Southward, 96, passed away peacefully early April 11, 2022 after a brief illness. Born March 8, 1926 to John Senkarik and his wife Katherine Dinda in the settlement of Slavia, Seminole County, she was the sixth child of seven.

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Monroe Landings, newest large-scale development for Goldsboro, celebrates grand opening this week

Monroe Landings, the first large scale housing development in the Goldsboro neighborhood in nearly two decades, will celebrate its grand opening Thursday at 10 a.m., according to organizers.

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Commission gives first approval to make Sanford Civic Center historic landmark in downtown

Despite a lengthy discussion, the Sanford commission unanimously passed the first reading to designate the Sanford Civic Center as a historic landmark during their Monday meeting.

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Noise ordinance changes put on hold to allow businesses’ input

Commissioners were asked Monday to postpone final approval of changes to the noise ordinance, as business owners felt the changes may be too strict and more input was needed.

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Seminole County Fire Department rescues kitten from Tesla bumper

Last Friday the Seminole County Fire Department made the purrrfect rescue of a kitten stuck between a wheel and  bumper of a Tesla in Winter Springs near Northern Way.

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Snarky McSnide Says,

Charlie Crist was looking for votes the other day in The Villages. He admitted there weren't too many Democratic ones up there but every little bit counts in the gubernatorial primary.

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Thank a Dispatcher: National Telecommunicators Week: Our “First” First Responders National Telecommunicators Week: April 10-16

I have worked as a Seminole County Fire Department Dispatcher for a little over 7 years and the recurring statement that always pops up when telling people what I do is, “I don’t know how you do it!” And to be quite honest, sometimes I wond

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